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University of Michigan Plant Operations Work Management

The Plant Operations Call Center (POCC) receives requests from campus in a variety of forms – by phone, fax, email, the internet and directly through our Facilities Management System. In addition to our central responsibility of communication, Work Management is responsible for the distribution of all estimate requests. Coordination and notification of Building Equipment Shutdowns is also handled by Work Management. Our Project Coordination efforts continue to grow as customers become accustomed to this service and we continue to support coordination for a variety of projects throughout Plant Operations. The Preventive Maintenance (PM) Planning program is another major responsibility of Work Management which also continues to grow as numerous items are added to the program. Finally, our Quality Assurance Inspection program, which was initiated in recent years, supports Plant Operations effort to continually improve our services to the University of Michigan community.

Facils Maint Annual Report_Univ Michigan 2009